Some stories are best told with pictures. Here’s what happened on our first day of the journey – from Victoria to Drifter’s Cove on Denny Island.
6:00 AM departure from Victoria, British Columbia with Ray, my partner and main kayaker.
7:00 AM picked up Matt, one of my pilots, in Lake Cowichan
8:30 picked up MJ, my lead safety and official swim observer.
2:00 PM stopped to refuel at a Hoomak Lake just outside of Port Hardy.
6:30 PM Departed Port Hard for Bella Bella, home to the Heiltsuk and the Great Bear Rainforest.
8:00 PM or so enroute.
9:00 PM or so enroute.
10:00 PM or so – spotted #namu ahead
11:00 PM or so closer to #namu
Can you see #namu
Arriving in Bella Bella, home to the Heiltsuk Nation.
2:00 AM waiting for your next boat to Drifter’s Cove.
2:15 AM or so, Kevin Heneghan from Drifter’s Cove arrives at the beach near the ferry to pick us up.
Our ride to the cabin.
3:00 AM nice toasty fire before bed.